I have about 10 of these white photo boxes in my living room for storage, and I decided yesterday some needed a makeover. I had a root canal yesterday morning (ahhhh), which left my feeling so much better than before and some free time by myself. This was the outcome! It was very quick and easy, so I wanted to share the tips with you all!
Supplies needed:
-Painters tape
-Spray Paint
I decided to do two stripes across the front, as well as keep the hinge thingy (where you would label the box). These spots will stay white.
I then matched the tape for the top of the box as well. I was running low on spray paint so I decided just paint what you would see and leave the inside and bottom white.
I did one full coat, and since they were light to begin with, that's really all they needed. I then waited about 3 hours (overnight is preferred, but I'm impatient), and peeled the tape.
And ta-da! This project cost me nothing! And I was so happy with how it turned out, I decided to do two.
I think it definitely added a little something to the bookshelf. I'm really happy with how these turned out and I'm pretty excited to see what other decorating ideas I can come up with for a few more!
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