Now I'm going to have to take a guess and say this isn't the first post you've seen on decorating coffee mugs, but I wanted to go ahead and share my approach and my techniques with you.
This is the gift I have made for my Grandmother this year for Christmas (don't worry guys, it's still a surprise, she doesn't understand the internet). I ALWAYS make my Grandmothers Cheostmas presents, it feels like so much more this way.
Supplies needed -
Coffee Mug
Sharpie (oil based) or a paint pen
First you start out with a blank coffee mug. Dollar Tree is the best place to purchase a mug, for two reasons, one it's $1, and two the cheaper cups hold the sharpie the best. For best results and stating power, use an oil based sharpie or a paint pen if available.
I had no idea what I wanted to draw so I called my boyfriend in for his art skills, I have none. I quickly decided you're never too old for stick people so I took the adult plunge and decided to put my cousins and me as my decoration.
Before sharpie, we drew our image on with pencil, this helped us fix any mistakes and also give us a blueprint of the final project.
After our pencil outline was on, we then started to trace the lines with sharpie. We used mostly black, but we did throw some color in for our hair and names.
Once your pattern is drawn, put the cup into the oven and turn it on to 425 degrees. Do not preheat!
Let the cup cook for 30- 40 minutes and then turn off the oven. Crack your door to let the heat down, do not remove the mug until it is completely cool. The heat can cause the cup to break if handled while still hot.
And ta da! Your simple and easy DIY Coffee Mug is complete. Ido not recommend putting this through the dishwasher at any point because it can wear off the design.
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