I have completed my first two weeks of utilizing cash envelopes, and let me just say I'm damn proud of myself! I'm not going to say it wasn't hard, but man was it invigorating. I want to give a little update on what worked, what didn't, and what is going to change.
My 6 original categories were: groceries ($200), gas ($70), household ($30), eating out ($50), personal ($100), and misc. ($25). I quickly realized my gas is not a problem, I fill up once a week which costs me right at $70, however my pets can be an issue. Not my pets in general, but my need to buy them all of the things. This month they needed EVERYTHING so I decided to switch my gas envelope into my pets envelope and put $100 in it for this first half of May.
I also set up a few Sinking Funds which I don't believe I mentioned in my previous post. These include: medical ($25), anniversary ($25), birthdays ($25), Christmas ($25), and eyebrows ($100) (sorry, not sorry)! I did fill these envelopes with the first paycheck of the month, and I haven't decided if I'm going to double these amount with the second check or if I'm going to leave these amounts for the month.
So the outcome, which again I'm pretty damn proud :)
Spent Remaining
Groceries = $192.49 $7.51
Pets = $99.72 $0.28
Household = $29.22 $0.78
Eating Out = $45.20 $4.80
Personal = $99.00 $1.00
Misc = $24.06 $0.94
Total Remaining = $15.31
So my small struggles, I had to go to an unexpected doctors appoint and pick up a prescription. I could have taken this rom my Medical sinking fund, but I was doing so well with my personal cash I decided to take the cash from that envelope. Also, my pets flea medicine had to be ordered which is why that envelope amount was raised, but we won't have to order that for 3 more months so I think I will create a sinking fund for that starting tomorrow.
Overall, this was a great experience and I will continue to use these envelopes. This really made me decide was the purchase a want or a need. It felt great to be able to tell my money where to go instead of wondering where it went.
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