In April of this year I started reading The Total Money Makeover, and I thought to myself, "Hell yeah! Let's do this." I would say I pretty quickly became "gazelle intense" and started planning my debt payoff as well as using cash envelopes to be able to stay accountable.
I decided to do an update for my first "real" month of debt payoff as my first priority. So far I have been able to put $1467.85 towards debt! This has taken me about 6 weeks. The first two weeks I was focused on all of my minimum payments and then starts the snowball!
My total debt does include my car note, which is a pretty significant amount of this total amount paid off, but hey we're getting there! My plan is to be able to put an extra $500 a month on top of all of my minimum payments.
Well there we go, quick and easy! I will keep you updated (really, keeping myself accountable) on my progress!
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