Spring is so close, I can taste it. Ok, well not really, but you get the jist of it. I am ready and determined, which means we are back on track of Monday Questionnaire's. 2013 was extremely tough on me, as well as my family, and it took me a minute to get back in the swing of things, but I'm back bitches (another Pretty Little Liars quote?). So let's dig right in.
1.) Mood:
-Unfortunately, I'm pretty grumpy today. I've been in a funk this weekend, and it carried over to today.
2.) Do you have a subscription to any magazines?
-I don't, and I really can't recall a time that I ever did. I do purchase them every once in a while though.
3.) Name one thing you are looking forward to in the near future.
-Spring! No jackets! I feel claustrophobic all Winter!
4.) Current nail polish:
-Nothing. A blank canvas. Maybe painting my nails will put me in a better mood.
5.) Do you know how to identify any constellations?
-Other then the North Star? I mean, the main ones I can, Big Dipper, Little Dipper, Orion's Belt. Anything else I'd be lost.
6.) Do you like the idea of electronic reading (Kindle, iPad, etc.) or prefer an old-fashioned book?
-I do use my Kindle app on my phone, and it is completely for convenience. Also better to hide at my desk :)
7.) Current outfit:
-Well, since it's St. Patricks Day, I'm wearing an army green cardigan, with a black shirt underneath, AE Straight jeans, and Target loafers.
8.) Do you like karaoke?
-I'll watch it all night, but I can't say I'd ever participate.
9.) What was your favorite cereal as a kid?
-Lucky Charms. That was mine and my dad's "thing" together.
10.) Weekly goals:
-Keep on my healthy eating habits, concur my work tasks, get some much needed rest and relaxation, and as always stay positive.
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