Hey guys, another quick cash envelope update since it is officially June (WTH?) It's been one official month since I've been using the cash envelopes and I've been loving it! It has really helped me, and honestly others around me. I keep getting asked about my progress from my co-workers and friends and they seem very interested in starting this process themselves. If you're asking me, do it! It seriously works!
So as I had mentioned in the middle of the month I had adjusted a couple of the categories, and I'm thinking I might make one small change for June. When I go to the grocery store I separate my household from my food items, which most grocery stores are ok with this, however I've had my pet items as well...this has been an issue. I'm thinking that I might combine household and pets just to make grocery store trips easier. I haven't fully decided, but I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do.
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Eating Out
A big change for this half, I did not count change. Any change went straight into my jar and I round up as far as the envelope goes. This helped out 3 main things, 1. I wasn't carrying around a ton of change. 2. My change is adding up again which is wonderful. 3. I didn't have to keep track of change amounts, everything was even!
This time, I really didn't have too many struggles. For once, everything kind of went smoothly. I could have used a few more dollars for my household fund, but nothing was dire and couldn't wait until the following Friday. However, by combining my Pets and Household this problem wouldn't have occurred since I did have extra money for pets this week.
So far so good, and I'm really proud of myself for sticking with this. Now again, if you're trying to decide if this is for you, it is! It truly is. It has changed so much about how I spend money and has helped SO MUCH in my house. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
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