I have fallen into a worm hole reading and watching information on cash envelopes. Really, it's a freakin genius idea and I don't know why I haven't been doing this my whole life. As you all know, I use a personal size Kate Spade Wellesley planner as my wallet. I purchased the above cash envelopes from Little Red Papers on Etsy. These come punched for different size planners as well as unpunched for every day use without a planner. I figured out my income and broke down my budget for the biweekly period. This will be for the period of April 28th through May 11th. The envelopes come in a set of 6. My categories are: Groceries - $200 Household - $30 Gas - $70 Fun/Dates - $100 Eating Out - $50 Misc - $25 This is my first time using the cash envelope system and already after two days I've had a surprising change of heart for my budget ready self. It's true that when you actually have to use the cash yo...
Hi, my name is Kady and I'm on a journey to be debtfree!